The only heatmap that tells you how to make more money
Heatmap is the only on-site analytics platform that ties revenue to every pixel on every page of your website. Finally, you can optimize for buyer behavior instead of site traffic.
The Problem
Impulse Buying? In This Economy?!
Today, everything is a considered purchase. It takes more time and money to acquire customers. And yet… Most brands still use the wrong metrics to optimize their websites.
Clicks + Visits ≠ Cash
Legacy on-site analytics tools show you heatmaps, scrollmaps, and screen recordings based on site visits. If you sell pageviews, that’s great. But if you sell products, why would you waste time and money optimizing for tire kickers?
Revenue > Everything
Heatmap is the only on-site analytics platform in the world with revenue attribution on every element of your website. This means you can measure the actions behind every transaction (and make changes accordingly).
On-site analytics, meet revenue
Revenue-based heatmaps
The first and only heatmap to show revenue of every click on every element on your website. Analyze static and dynamic elements with interactive mode. Slice data with filters like Purchases, Average Order Value, and Traffic Source, or create your own custom segments.
Revenue-based scrollmap
Seeing user dropoff is cool, but seeing revenue dropoff down your page? Sheeeesh. Use it to understand the sections of your website that’re underperforming (and which you need to move up).
They combined trillions of owned data points with CRO tactics honed optimizing $4B+ in ecommerce revenue to create AI that gives specific website improvements to drive higher revenue per session.
Revenue-based Screen Recordings
You’ve used heatmaps and scrollmaps to understand how customers interact with your website in the aggregate. Now drill deep and watch exactly what your best customers do on their path to purchase.
Get started in less than two minutes
heatmap works on any CMS (even that funky custom one you regret). Setup is simple. The tag is SUPER small (<8kb) and asynchronous (so it won’t affect site speed. We’re here if you need a hand (you won’t).
Go tanning. Read a book. Make a vesper. Your pixel-perfect revenue data is populating.
Use revenue-powered heatmaps, scrollmaps, and screen recordings to understand performance. Optimize your site. Get paid. Repeat.